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Important! Short Questions and Answers from Lettering

Important Short Questions and Answers from Lettering  (Fill in the blanks with appropriate words).     1 . Writing of titles, notes, etc. on a drawing is called _____.   Ans . Lettering. 2 . Lettering is usually done in _____ letters.   Ans . Capital.     3 . The main title of the inked drawing is generally written in ______ letters.   Ans . Gothic .     4 . Efficiency in the art of lettering is achieved by continuous ______   Ans . Practice.     5 . Lowercase letters are usually used in ______ drawings.   Ans . Architectural.     6. For maintaining uniformity in size, thin and light _____ may first be drawn.   Ans . Guide-lines.     7 . The italic letters should be at an angle of _______ to the right.   Ans . 75 degrees.     8 . The smallest unit shape of a graph in lettering would be ______.   Ans . Square.     9 . ______ and _____ should be avoided during lettering.   Ans . Ornamental drawing. Dimensioning.