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Showing posts with the label ellipse


  Post Summarization: ● Conics. ● What is ellipse. ● Definition of ellipse. ● Examples of ellipse existing practically. ● Definition of parabola. ● Definition of Hyperbola. ● Major axis. ● Minor axis. ● Directrix. ● Vertex. ● Co-vertex. ● Focus or Foci. ● Focal Radii (singular, Radius). ● Focus Angle. ● Eccentricity. ● Tangent and Normal to an ellipse. ● Methods to draw an ellipse. ● Tutorial Videos (Coming Soon!) What is Conic? The sectional plane obtained by the intersection of a Right Circular Solid Cone, relative to its different positions and concerning the axis of the cone, is called Conic . Conic can be four (4) types: (1) Circle : When the sectional plane is perpendicular to the axis, parallel to the base, and cuts all the generators, the section is a Circle . We've previously discussed in detail about circles .   (2) Ellipse: When the sectional plane is inclined to the axis and cuts all the generators, the section is an Ellipse . (3) Parabola: When the sectional plane i